San Francisco Dykes on Bikes®
Women's Motorcycle Contingent
San Francisco EST. 1976
Statement Regarding the Dyke March - June 27, 2024
San Francisco Dykes on Bikes® Women's Motorcycle Contingent (WMC) was made aware this morning that the Dykes March, typically held on the Saturday prior to the Pride Parade on Sunday, will not be held. This is very sad for the lesbian community and we are very glad to hear that some of the Dyke March organizers are reorganizing to keep the Dyke March alive in future years. It is a very important event to our community.
Some news reports have conflated the Dyke March with San Francisco Dykes on Bikes Womens Motorcycle Contingent. Dykes on Bikes is in great shape as an organization. While we believe in the Dyke March and its organizers, and recognize the important work they do for our community, we are totally separate organizations and always have been. We will not be participating in any spontaneous, unpermitted events that may happen at the time of the cancelled Dyke March.
As an all-volunteer group, we have our hands full organizing the contingent that leads SF Pride every year! San Francisco Dykes on Bikes WMC will lead the San Francisco Pride Parade on Sunday June 30th, as we have annually since 1976. The Board of Directors for Dykes on Bikes WMC welcomes and looks forward to safely leading hundreds of Dykes, their Allies, and Kindred Spirits down Market Street. The iconic image and the reverberation of our engines roaring will again remind the world of the strength and dignity of Dykes and Dykes on Bikes WMC.
The Board of Directors of the Dykes on Bikes WMC wishes the organizers of the Dyke March their best and are confident that the Dyke March will return stronger than ever.

San Francisco Dykes on Bikes® Women's Motorcycle Contingent is an organization committed to creating a local, national and international community of women motorcyclists and friends of women motorcyclists. Our mission is to support philanthropic endeavors in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and women's communities, and to reach out to empower a community of diverse women through rides, charity events, Pride events and education.
Who are Dykes on Bikes®?
In June of 1976 a small group of women rode at the front of the SF Pride parade. Four decades later we are celebrating the pride and courage those women had that morning as we remember the incredible history of the Dykes on Bikes® organization. We celebrate the commitment and countless hours Dykes on Bikes members have spent to support philanthropic endeavors in their local communities.
Learn more about our history.

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San Francisco Dykes on Bikes®
We are an organization committed to creating a local, national and international community of women motorcyclists. We are a 501c3 non-profit and our mission is to support philanthropic endeavors in the LGBT and women’s communities and reach out to empower a community of diverse women through rides, charity events, pride events and education.
Interested in helping the San Francisco Dykes on Bikes® Women's Motocycle Contingent continue our work in the LGBT and women's motocycle communities?