San Francisco Dykes on Bikes®
Women's Motorcycle Contingent
San Francisco EST. 1976
Parade Volunteers
Thank you for being interested in volunteering on Pride Sunday!​
Volunteering is a great way to kick things off. You can meet some incredible people, plus it's a great way to help out while waiting for the parade to start. :)
We have three volunteer positions available, two of which don't require any experience riding a motorcycle.
This team is responsible for checking every rider that arrives Sunday morning. You will help us verify that the riders are either pre-registered or fill out the form in person that morning. Then everyone gets a number sticker on their headlight before being waved forward. Fast-paced but super fun.​​
This team is responsible for lining up all motorcycles and getting them parked in the proper area while we wait for 10 AM. You will help wave them forward, make sure they're stopped close enough to the bike in front of them, and remind them to "put your kickstand down!"
Road Captains help ensure everyone has a fun and SAFE ride. Road captains will ride to the LEFT of the two columns of riders. They are the only riders that should be outside of the two columns. You make sure that everyone is riding safely and that there are no significant gaps. Road Captains have the final say in riding in the Parade.​​

All volunteers start by meeting at Steuart St and Market at 7 AM. Registration and Line-Up activities wrap up by 10 AM, so you'll have plenty of time to return to your motorcycle before starting the Parade. If this sounds like something you're interested in email volunteer@dykesonbikes.org and we'll send you more information!